
Jamie Leigh


Patchwork Face

Y’all I hated this one. I had 3 ideas completely flop before settling on this one. This thing was made for day 9 of Artober. The prompt was skin. I had several ideas. One involving fish scales but that just…


Halloween Graveyard Bookends

I’ve never thought of making my own bookends. I’ve been gifted some, and I have a really cool one with a globe on it. However I never thought of making my own. It was actually not that hard since I…


Dripping With Finesse

Drip that air plant hanger with some decoration! I made these air plant display’s in the past as a custom order. They work but I wanted to add some drama to them. I took necklace chains and just attached resin…


Scrap Wood Monster

I have accumulated a lot of scrap wood since I do many wood working projects. It just piles up under my miter saw cart and I might as well do something with it! Create a monster you say? Sure! Just…


Pokemon Leaf Stone Out of Wood

A Leaf Stone? From Pokemon? You better Be-leaf it!! Evolution was day three of Artober and I struggled so hard finding something to do. I went back and forth trying to figure out the best thing. My mind kept going…


We Got A Spirit, Yes We Do!

Ghost it up, with this really simple ghost for Halloween or all year round if ya spooky! I will start this off by saying I absolutely hate sewing. Having sewn in the past I didn’t think it was a big…


Mirror Mirror In My Hand

Create a spooky hand mirror for Halloween with UV Resin. This was created for Day 2 of Artober. The prompt for the day was: Mirrored. This did not turn out the way I necessarily wanted. I broke two mirrors in…