
Jamie Leigh

wired pumpkins

Wired Pumpkin Easy DIY

Making these pumpkins out of wire was so incredibly easy. They make for a easy fall display. All I did was buy this wire off of amazon and it works well enough if you don’t touch it much. You may…

Among us character finished

Among Us Character Made of Wood

Among Us is a popular game with an interloper among your group. The goal is to survive and find out who the intruder is. Which is perfect for Day 16 of Artober. Since the prompt is “Interloper.” I gotta be…

final product

We Are Venom

Venom is one of the most badass Spider-man villains around. Marvel Comics created the character Venom in 1984. His first full appearance was in 1988. Venom is what is know as a “Symbiote.” If you want more information about venom…

dumpster fire

The Dumpster Fire That Is 2020

Why would I create a dumpster out of wood? Well 2020 has been pretty rotten… Day 14 of Artober is: Rotten. I figured I would create a dumpster because those usually smell pretty rotten. A dumpster on fire though? Oh…

butterflies on display

Origami Butterfly Display

Origami can really add to your house decor. What says elegance like 20 little paper butterflies!? Want to spruce up a wall or shelf? Well I’ll show you how! However I’m not going to show you step by step picture…

halloween wreath

Halloween Wreath DIY

Halloween wreaths are in season! Who needs to wait for Christmas for a wreath? A Wreath for every holiday I say! Five Below is a store where everything is under 5 bucks. They had a 3-pack of skulls for only…